Diseases Spread

Original Title 病毒の伝播
Japanese kana Rendering Byodoku no denpa
English Title Diseases Spread
Production Date 1926
Author Sanae Yamamoto
Duration (minutes) 14
Sound silent
Color b/w
Plot Eating half-cooked fish, leaving food scraps lying around until they are covered in flies, washing clothes in the river, etc. leads to the spread of terrible diseases without anyone even being aware of it. Disinfection with a bleaching powder solution is essential to prevent that from occurring. In addition, it is important to wear a mask to prevent germs from entering into the body and to disinfect bedding by exposure to sunlight. Negligence of one person affects the whole family and eventually causes disease to spread throughout Japan. For this reason, awareness about spreading the concept of hygiene is promoted.
Description This film was made to promote the public's awareness about hygiene. It is a rare film composed only of animation, with no live-action. At the time, the Ministry of Education released science films made using microscopic cinematography, such as Infectious Bacteria (傳染病の病原體, 1925), The Life of a Mosquito and the Spread of Disease (蚊の一生と疾病の傳播, 1925) and Flies and Diseases (蠅とその害毒, 1926). This work is an animation film made based on the achievements of these science films.
Production Company the Ministry of Education*
Distribution the Ministry of Education*
Release Date
Credits: Director Sanae Yamamoto*
Credits: Staff, Cast, etc.
Intertitles T1「魚はよく燒いて……」、T2「早くおさかなを頂戴!!」、T3「いそいでやいておくれ」、T4「なまやけ」、T5「一人の不始末は……」、T6「外で遊んでおいでなさい」、T7「河川で洗ものなどはせぬやう」、T8「サラシ粉水は病菌を殺す」、T9「一人の不注意は一家に及ぼし 一家の不注意は全市に及ぶ」、T10「外出にはマスクを……」、T11「日光は病菌を殺す」、T12「お日さまにはかなわぬかなわぬ」、T13「他人の迷惑にならぬやう」、T14「親の不注意は……」、T15「人まかせ」、T16「不精」、T17「清潔 豫防 良薬」、T18「終」。
Censorship - Date and Number
Frames per Second 16fps
Source of Digital Copy The 35mm nitrate original negative owned by Ministry of Education -> The 35mm interpositive owned by NFC -> 35mm internegative -> The 35mm positive
Completeness no main title
no credit titles
Additional Notes The mark of "*" will provide an additional explanation gained from the bibliographical information.
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